Glasgow: Renfield St. Stephen's Church of Scotland, West Wall

Postcard of Glasgow: Renfield St. Stephen's Church of Scotland, West Wall. Click to view full image (new window)
000-000-764-028-C No Internet use

Memorial Window

Window of three rounded trefoiled lancets with tracery.

This window is composed of a colour palette of pale blues, lilacs and pinks. Each lancet contains an organic long leafy stemmed plant, perhaps trees, however flower like forms at each peak suggest otherwise. The tracery contains abstract patterns apart from the uppermost quatrefoil, which contains the repeated flower like form.

A plaque beneath the window states; “To the Glory of God and in memory of Catherine H. Low. Beloved Sister and Aunt died 18th February 1982. Remembered Always.”

John Kenneth Clark (1957- ) was born in Dumbarton. He attended the Glasgow School of Art for his BA and MA graduating in 1980 and 1981 respectively. Clark continued to lecture at GSA until 1985. In 1990 he relocated his studios from Scotland to Germany. Clark has completed many notable commissions in Scotland and abroad and has made a massive contribution to modern Stained Glass design.


Resource Rights Holder: Glasgow City Heritage Trust
Record ID: 000-000-764-028-C
Project Ref:
Material: glass, lead
Dimensions: 3 lancets-1800mm x 380mm plus tracery
Subject/Keywords: Abstract, flowers, male artist, Glasgow School of Art, GSA, 20th century, modern stained glass, glass art
Photographer: Rachael Purse